Br J Haematol. 2013 Jun 15. doi: 10.1111/bjh.12414. [Epub ahead of print]
Central nervous system involvement with multiple myeloma: long term survival can be achieved with radiation, intrathecal chemotherapy, and immunomodulatory agents.
Chen CI, Masih-Khan E, Jiang H, Rabea A, Cserti-Gazdewich C, Jimenez-Zepeda VH, Chu CM, Kukreti V, Trudel S, Tiedemann R, Tsang R, Reece DE.
Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Involvement of the central nervous system (CNS) in multiple myeloma (MM) is a rare complication, with reported survival of <6 13="" 17="" 1999="" 2010="" 24="" 2="" 37="" 4="" 76="" 78="" 81="" 95="" a="" achieved="" agents="" aggressive="" alkylators="" alone="" and="" associated="" at="" auto-transplant="" be="" bortezomib="" brain="" but="" can="" cell="" characteristics="" chemotherapy="" ci:="" cisplatin-based="" cisplatin="" clinical="" cns="" collected.="" combination="" common="" confidence="" contiguous="" cranial="" cyclophosphamide="" december="" describes="" dexamethasone="" diagnosis="" disease="" doxorubicin="" etoposide="" evaluated="" experience="" factors="" from="" general="" had="" haematological="" highly="" however="" identifies="" ids="" imid-based="" imid-containing="" immunomodulatory="" in="" institution.="" institution="" interval="" intrathecal="" involvement="" irradiation="" is="" it="" january="" leptomeningeal="" leukemia="" long-term="" median:="" median="" mm="" months.="" months="" multi-dosing="" nbsp="" nine="" of="" only="" or="" our="" p="" parenchymal="" patients="" plasma="" plasmacytomas="" present="" prolonged="" radiation="" radiotherapy="" relapse="" report="" retrospectively="" skull="" spinal="" spread.="" suggesting="" survival.="" survival="" survivors="" systemic="" the="" therapies="" therapy.="" these="" this="" to="" treated="" treatment="" used="" various="" was="" were="" with="">6>
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