Σάββατο 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2013


 2013 Feb 7;58(6):461-467. [Epub ahead of print]

Clinical Studies on the Treatment of Cancer Cachexia with Megestrol Acetate plus Thalidomide.


Oncology Department, Ningbo Development Zone Center Hospital, Ningbo, PR China.


Background: The management of cancer-related anorexia/cachexia syndrome (CACS) is a great challenge in clinical practice. To date, practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of CACS are lacking. The authors conducted a randomized study to confirm the effectiveness and safety of treatment of CACS utilizing megestrol acetate (MA) plus thalidomide. Methods: One hundred and two candidates with CACS were randomly assigned to two treatment groups (trial group and control group): the trial group received MA (160 mg po, bid) plus thalidomide (50 mg po, bid), while the control group received MA (160 mg po, bid) alone. Treatment duration was 8 weeks. Results: Analysis of the trial group demonstrated a significant increase from baseline in body weight (<0 .01="" 0.01="" 0.02="" a="" alone="" and="" appetite="" baseline="" be="" body="" both="" cacs.="" changes="" combination="" compared="" conclusion:="" contrast="" control="" cooperative="" decrease="" eastern="" effective="" endpoints="" factor-="" fatigue="" found="" from="" glasgow="" greater="" grip="" group:="" group="" groups.="" il-6="" improvement="" in="" included="" is="" life="" ma="" mean="" more="" necrosis="" negligible="" of="" oncology="" p="" performance="" primary="" prognostic="" quality="" regimen="" relatively="" score="" secondary="" significant="" significantly="" status="" strength="" thalidomide="" than="" the="" to="" toxicity="" treatment="" trial="" tumor="" was="" weight="" were="" with="">

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